A Blog About Health In Times Of Austerity

Posts tagged "genetics"
Cancer during COVID

Cancer during COVID

How our research on antimicrobial resistance & health inequalities became more personal In 2019 I was awarded a Wellcome Trust grant. My project promised to look at the question of inequality and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) from different perspectives in the... More…
Predictive Genetics For All - Minister Hancock’s big idea

Predictive Genetics For All – Minister Hancock’s big idea

The future of the NHS is in prevention rather than cure. And the mass application of genetics profiling can bring that about say Health Minister Hancock and his new best friend…. There are big changes afoot in terms of the... More…
You and Your Genetics

You and Your Genetics

You are distinctly Neanderthal, you have an elevated risk of getting colon cancer, and quite possibly your Dad is not your Dad….“Happy Christmas!” One of the stranger xmas present suggestions that I have run into this season is a through-the-post,... More…
Watching the Detectives: Epigenetics and Ethics

Watching the Detectives: Epigenetics and Ethics

Detective fiction routinely uses DNA technology as a plot device. So much so that that the “CSI effect” has been blamed for distorting the criminal justice system. Victims of crime and jurors have unrealistic expectations about the role of evidence... More…
8 billion by the quarter century (2025)

8 billion by the quarter century (2025)

As inequalities in income and wealth within the USA and the UK increase, it is hardly surprising that those currently at the top would like to avoid having to realize that they are creating an even more unequal world in... More…