A Blog About Health In Times Of Austerity

Posts tagged "Social Class"


As sociologists, being against inequality is not enough. To continue to be relevant sociologists much engage in the protest sector. More…
Rethinking class for the 21st century?

Rethinking class for the 21st century?

As an undergraduate I was introduced to theories and concepts of social class that took off from Marx and Weber. But while I absorbed this ‘classical tradition’ I also became familiar with the Registrar General’s (RG’s) ‘Classification of Occupations’, which... More…
Cookery, Control and Contemporary Displays of Culinary one-up-person-ship…

Cookery, Control and Contemporary Displays of Culinary one-up-person-ship…

One of the fascinating aspects of food technology is that the acts of cooking and eating have long been relatively easily readable socio-cultural markers in hierarchical societies. In contemporary British society an interesting facet of this is that the discourse... More…