A Blog About Health In Times Of Austerity

Posts tagged "Politics"
Data & the gaming of A&E waiting times

Data & the gaming of A&E waiting times

A few days ago I found myself investigating the bed occupancy statistics for an NHS hospital trust. This was in response to a friend telling me that the hospital had found the need to invent a new colour level of... More…
The Remploy Saga: the provider state isn't providing and the enabling state doesn't enable.

The Remploy Saga: the provider state isn’t providing and the enabling state doesn’t enable.

I saw Government Minister Mark Harper interviewed on my local television news the other day (BBC Look East, Jan. 12th 2015). He was talking about how, in his opinion, the closure of the last publicly owned Remploy factories was, somewhat... More…
Twitter analytics, sociology and #SaveOurNHS

Twitter analytics, sociology and #SaveOurNHS

The global interconnected network of computers known as the Web offers opportunities  for new forms of social analysis – not least the possibilities offered by ‘big data’  – digital data sets so large they require novel computer  processing and software.... More…