How to manage structural racism and inequality
Lessons in Political Manoeuvring and How to Avoid Taking Action The highly anticipated report of the Commission on race and ethnic disparities (CRED) has concluded, to much furore, that modern Britain does not have a problem with structural racism. Indeed...
International Women’s Day 2019
International women’s day is celebrated on the 8th March every year. The day has its origins with the Socialist Party of America that organised a women’s day in February 1909, followed by the suggestion of an annual day. On March 8,...
Antisocial crimes in Gottsunda; A vicious circle?
In Gottsunda, an outlying suburb of Uppsala, a University town in Sweden, unrest marked the end of July. About 30-40 youths, all men, burned bins, tyres and more than 70 cars. The main street was blockaded with boulders and burning...
Scarred for life
At a research meeting last week, a general practitioner who offers health checks to young, unaccompanied refugees, described his work. He had interviewed 44 young men from Afghanistan who all, report themselves to be in good health, with no special...
Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Mental Health Policy at a Cross Roads in the UK
BME inequality in terms of mental health service use and service provision is no further forward than it was 10 years ago. It needs to be urgently addressed as a high priority area of social policy.
Black masculinities and ‘the Beast’ that is prostate cancer
A new report Hear me Now by the organisation BME Cancer Communities has highlighted an ‘uncomfortable reality’: black African Caribbean men in the UK are 30 per cent more likely to die from prostate cancer than white men. They have...
Much ado about nothing?
Shakespeare. Staging the World British Museum exhibition: 19 July to 25 November 2012 This exhibition seeks to create a dialogue between the imaginary worlds of Shakespeare’s plays and objects from the actual world that he and his contemporary audiences inhabited....
Child custody, racism, conspiracies and Swedish Social Services