A Blog About Health In Times Of Austerity

Posts tagged "epilepsy"
Market Town : Simon - Living with Epilepsy - Brave New World

Market Town : Simon – Living with Epilepsy – Brave New World

Introduction by Lynne Pettinger:  It’s not always easy to look at Jim Mortram’s photography, but it’s always worth doing so. In this series, part of his ‘small town inertia’ project, he photographs Simon. Simon’s got epilepsy, and has been put... More…
Counting the cost of heroic surgical intervention

Counting the cost of heroic surgical intervention

The practice of medicine involves interesting contradictions. In the name of treatment, clinicians regularly inflict pain on people who are already suffering. Medicine promises to alleviate pain in the long-term through an intervention that  exacerbates it.  Such is the strength... More…