The ‘Appliance of Science’?
The topsy-turvy world of the NHS’s relationship with minority groups and their non-standard care requirements When the NHS was last in expansion and a ‘transformation’ was underway, one of the guiding principles was called “World Class Commissioning“. It was the...

Predictive Genetics For All – Minister Hancock’s big idea
The future of the NHS is in prevention rather than cure. And the mass application of genetics profiling can bring that about say Health Minister Hancock and his new best friend…. There are big changes afoot in terms of the...

We’ve Been Here Before…..
Last week’s post by Lesley Henderson on the contemporary anti-vaccination movement’s use of social media, Charlie Davison takes a look at the history of the battle between Public Health and the ‘Anti-Vaxxers’, and finds that things haven’t changed much in over...

Chubby Boozers with Ageing Hearts
What will the person in the street make of recent public health scare tactics? As the politics of austerity continues to bite into NHS and other public budgets, Britain’s top health promotion brains have decided that precious future health resources...

Cancer culture clash?
If we over-stress the need for cancer patients to be courageous fighters, are we running the risk of denying them the chance of a peaceful end to life? Cancer, in its many different forms, is rarely out of the news....

Big Drinkers to get a Big Nudge
Public Health England is putting all its efforts into alcohol unit pricing – but is it really the right thing to do? Last week, the Parliamentary Health Select Committee was listening to the views of Public Health experts on the...

The Gradual Rehabilitation of Salt
The Public Health campaign against salt seems to be losing ground – for some sociologically interesting reasons. It’s become one of those facts that everyone knows – too much salt is bad for you, right? But a complete lack of...

Performing Masculinity
In a little over an hour, these two talented performers say as much or more about contemporary masculinity as a whole library shelfful of sociological tomes Peter McMaster’s “27” is a theatrical piece which springs from a young man’s intimation...

The Pain in Spain
Access to healthcare is a major post-referendum concern for millions of Europeans – but when you contemplate the details, you can see why most Brexiteers would rather not talk about it….. An amicable or “soft” divorce between Britain and Europe...

How many Zikas will it take?
Gradually the Public Health gaze is turning towards the minor acute events that trigger serious long term illnesses and chronic conditions. “About time too”, say many campaigners. For social scientists, it is very interesting to observe major changes in medical...

Sugar, poverty and taxation
As social scientists, we can bring a unique perspective to a debate dominated by politicians, ‘food campaigners’, public health and industry. I don’t know if self-appointed sugar experts Jamie Oliver (TV chef) and George Osbourne (political chancellor) have a lot...
Lay epidemiology and COVID-19