A Blog About Health In Times Of Austerity

Posts tagged "alcohol"
Big Drinkers to get a Big Nudge

Big Drinkers to get a Big Nudge

Public Health England is putting all its efforts into alcohol unit pricing – but is it really the right thing to do? Last week, the Parliamentary Health Select Committee was listening to the views of Public Health experts on the... More…

Learning to Drink in Nigeria

In Nigeria, there is no concept of ‘counting your units’ nor are there nationally co-ordinated public health campaigns to challenge the normalisation of drinking alcohol ‘to excess’. With little or no regulation of the alcohol industry, transnational drinks companies are... More…
The (not) Demon Drink?

The (not) Demon Drink?

A synthetic alcohol substitute looks set to challenge legal regulations and cultural norms in the UK and beyond. If there is one person who represents an almost permanent challenge to British Government drug regulators it is flamboyant scientist, Professor David... More…
Tales of Everyday Drinking: Risk, Alcohol and Government Advice

Tales of Everyday Drinking: Risk, Alcohol and Government Advice

“My name is …and I’m an alcoholic” – Wednesday, 13 January – 10pm on Channel 5 We have a complicated relationship with alcohol. Many of us are as likely to drink to drown our sorrows as we are to celebrate our successes.... More…