Media strategies can help challenge domestic violence and a fictional story can often give audiences a unique perspective on the lived reality of abusive relationships. This is because it is considered to operate outside of the legal and ethical constraints found in factual programmes. Even given these qualifiers the ongoing ‘Rob-Helen’ domestic violence storyline in Radio 4 serial The Archers remains highly contentious. Supporters have the show depicting a realistic case study of Rob Titchener who isolates his wife Helen Archer from her support network, and gas-lights her repeatedly, undermining her confidence.
He has created a ‘perfect’ husband and stepfather persona which means Helen is unable to share her fears with family or friends as he slowly exerts more and more control over her life. Critics however have argued that the character of Helen is deeply unsympathetic and fits neatly into an outdated media stereotype, a willing ‘doormat’ who is an easy target for victim – blame and frustrates audiences rather than challenging their misconceptions.
This controversy raises interesting questions about the interplay between fictionalised drama and real world implications of the way in which that drama is represented and portrayed. It raises questions about the role of stories like this, particularly in terms of issues of responsibility and realism in the context of a deeply personal, yet political story line.
It is now over two years since Rob Titchener first appeared in The Archers and his character has changed during this time from laddish philanderer to a sinister controlling abuser. There is no doubt it is a ‘successful’ storyline – it has generated significant social media ‘chatter’ – the regular tweet-along that accompanies the omnibus each Sunday morning becomes animated with any reference to Rob (retweets of links, jokes, and memes that typify user driven engagement on social media).
The actor who plays Rob was booed by audiences attending the Radio Times Festival and has now declared that he cannot read online comments such is the strength of anger from fans. These material events are all positive for the show as they manage to create a sense of relevancy where fictional story arcs link with real life emotion. The storyline has even been used as a useful hook for lawyers to explain ‘Coercive Control’ and the Rob-Helen story allows the opportunity to give concrete examples of how to recognise abusive patterns of behaviour.
These examples show very clearly the real world relevance, and real world responsibility that the programme makers have to ensure events portrayed and characters described are relevant to the situations they depict. But, it goes even further than this. Some of those who have themselves experienced abuse have also praised the story as authentically depicting how abusers groom their victims:
However many people are equally frustrated by the story. In particular the character of Helen has drawn negative comments as she is seen as a weak compliant character. A recent episode alluded to the possibility that Rob had raped Helen, leaving many listeners uncertain about what they had actually heard. Some listened several times to the same episode and were unsure that she had been assaulted and others disagreed that this could be considered rape https:
One critic described the assault thus:
In terms of questions of responsibility, the episode was transmitted without prior warning about content. The programme has been reticent in linking listeners to support resources following other episodes where Helen is clearly intimidated by Rob and which might trigger a powerful response from those in similar situations:
Production teams do have a special responsibility in representing domestic violence and the team have reportedly taken advice about abusive relationships though have not disclosed their sources. At the same time the programme has mentioned that they want to maintain ‘ambiguity’ about the Rob/Helen relationship. Given the real life resonance that this story line will have for many listeners, is a desire for dramatic licence appropriate, or would the media be better suited to dealing far more directly with the implications of and consequences for women living in abusive relationships? Whilst ‘ambiguity’ might enhance the entertainment value without a clear message the story and the programme risks perpetuating negative stereotypes concerning weak women complicit in their own abuse.
Domestic violence in soaps is not new and British drama has led the way in depicting manipulative abusive characters who manage to conceal their true nature while exerting control behind closed doors. The stories are not only educating audiences but entertaining them. Narrative techniques are used where characters successfully conceal their abuse within the programme but this is revealed to audiences. This special knowledge maximises engagement (anger towards the abuser, frustration when others seem to be oblivious to their true character).
In many ways the topic of domestic violence fits neatly within the soap format which deals with the domestic sphere of life and tends to foreground female characters who are often overlooked in mainstream media. The Archers is also a particularly appropriate format given that its origins lie in educating post-war audiences about food and agricultural issues. However in moving into this territory and choosing Helen as the ‘victim’ The Archers misses the opportunity to significantly challenge perceptions. Helen has been cast very much as victim throughout her time on the show with a past partner who committed suicide, as well as her ongoing problems with anorexia and depression.
Helen is now pregnant, presumably as a result of Rob’s assault and this week a health worker has visited the couple at home. The introduction of a health professional raises the possibility that the programme might directly tackle the issue of domestic violence and send some clear unambiguous messages. It is more difficult to convey the nuances of storylines in radio serials and as one listener describes, Helen is clearly in denial
This makes it all the more important that messages concerning abusive relationships are unequivocal. There is no place for ambiguity in a domestic violence storyline otherwise the risk is that the issue serves little purpose beyond using male violence as entertainment.
6 Responses
Leica on Oct 25, 2015
I have to agree 100% with everything you wrote. I stopped listening. Like many other listeners, I endured a relationship with a controlling narcissist who presented himself to the world as convivial. In my case not a partner but my father. While he and a dozen friends sat around laughing and debating on bar stools, I sat home alone crying and dreading distorted reality and abuse awaited when he returned.
I mostly stopped remembering those years, until this story on The Archers. I started listening 18 years ago and stopped a month ago. It depresses me that for the sake of a social media buzz The Archers tossed out the traditional comfort and feel of the programme. The show has always been popular – the most popular podcast on the Radio 4 site for some years now. Why the current story editors feel the need to elicit “1984” style two minute hate (okay 15 minute hate) utterly eludes me.
Karen on Dec 13, 2015
I have written a few posts about Rob and Helen to explore issues such as coercive control (I am a therapist who works with survivors of abuse). The thing that so many survivors will tell you is there is ambiguity. You love someone, and then that someone hurts you, the love doesnt instantly disappear. Add onto this that abusers are very skilled at grooming not only their victims but those around and it isnt as simple as “just leave him”. In the specific case of marital rape, many women are unsure, and it takes time (and therapy) to say three of the hardest words in the English language “I was raped”
I feel The Archers have done an excellent job, although the initial midwife visit was badly handled, as it has shown the reality of domestic violence for so many.
Caroline on Dec 14, 2015
As someone who has also endured years of abuse at the hands of a charming, intelligent and eloquent man, I think the show has done well in maintaining the ambiguity. I STILL feel confused about how this man behaves even though I have evidence of his abuse. It is very cleverly done, even though I do not have a lot of sympathy for Helen. Maybe this is also a true perspective of people looking in at this situation.
Pommy on Dec 20, 2015
I have worked in the field of domestic abuse for 20 years and I think the archers is depicting the ever increasing control and manipulation of Helen well. However it can be hard to listen to her become more and more a victim. We naturally want her to be heroic and stand up to Rob on behalf of all women. I think that for anyone screaming at Helen in frustration please remember that she is now very scared of Rob and fear shuts down our thinking. She knows she can’t trust his motivations for anything he suggests and she knows that her family and friends think he’s a wonderful doting husband. It’s also likely that she is beginning to believe that her feelings are somehow her fault or are because of the pregnancy and that she is “doing too much”. Where I hope the scriptwriters take this is to find a way of getting the village to understand what is happening, discuss it, and for one or two of the men in particular to stand up to him. The young Grundy lads perhaps. It is hard listening but it is only a drama. For 1 in 4 women at some point in our lives it’s real.
Jacqueline on Jan 21, 2016
Thanks Pommy. I agree with a lot of what you say, The alternative of course is that Helen does not see her position for what it is. We, the listeners, have the advantage of hearing what Rob says in her absence. The characters are creatively written and, I believe, well researched so congratulations to the writers of these episodes. I feel however, that the BBC have a responsibility to listeners who have been, or are, in a controlling abusive relationship and would ask the producer to consider announcing, at the beginning of episodes that an appropriate contact will be given at the end for anyone feeling upset and an appropriate number (or website) contact provided. I appreciate that some listeners may feel that this is inappropriate but research now suggests that women who have been in abusive, controlling relationships are more likely to suffer mental illness, including, in some cases schizophrenia, in later life,
Eirwen Hopkins on Feb 6, 2016
A relative is a Health Visitor and every day deals with situations like that of Henry & the unborn baby living in families where abuse is happening. There has been a drive to recruit more Health Visitors in order to deliver more child protection since Baby P & Victoria Climbie. For the sake of public education it might be a good wheeze to introduce some insights into the situation to help Helen become more aware from the Health Visitor she will be seeing for the ante-natal and new-birth checks. She’s bound to be a bit slow on the uptake so it needn’t shaft the storyline immediately but it would offer the audience more information about possible sources of help & support for women in this situation.