Image: Gallery from Martin Deutsch's Flickr PhotoStream

what we have seen

In other countries, it’s the govt that supplies free compulsory face masks. Not in good old Blighty, £5 to ensure compliance

Rules for keeping the pub open during pandemic times.

COVID crazy golf.

“Oh, I do like to be beside the (socially distanced) seaside…”

COVID-19 proof pub Suffolk style, only £50 to hire for the evening!

Leuchars local under lockdown

Norwich graffiti

What we are reading

Reporting from 1960s California on an impending apocalypse

What we are listening to

Bellingcat is an independent international collective of researchers, investigators and citizen journalists who use digital methods and open-source data to probe a variety of subjects.  Series 1 is about the downing of MH17 and the murder of the 298 people on board.