A Blog About Health In Times Of Austerity

Posts tagged "Hospitals"
Adventures in Human Being

Adventures in Human Being

Francis, Gavin (2015) Adventures in Human Being, London: Profile Books. Much praise has been lavished on ‘Adventures in Human Being’ by Gavin Francis, a multi-prize-winning best-seller admired by Hilary Mantel (who calls the book ‘sober and beautiful’), John Berger and Robin McKie.... More…
Sustainability and Transformation Plans - kill or cure for the NHS?

NHS Sustainability and Transformation Plans

Local NHS areas have til June to try and submit convincing plans to dramatically improve healthcare whilst saving large sums of cash. But the decision making is secretive and dysfunctional. Predictions that the NHS is facing disaster have been issued... More…
What is the point of hospitals?

What is the point of hospitals?

In the London Review of Books, Paul Farmer argues the case for building hospitals as a necessity, not a luxury, for poor countries and rich countries alike. Farmer points to the hypocrisy of a ‘basic minimum package’ for ‘resource poor... More…
Abandoned but not forgotten: hospitals, decay and urban exploration

Abandoned but not forgotten: hospitals, decay and urban exploration

Do you find the picture above, taken by an urban exploration photographer, unsettling, provocative or even beautiful?   It appears to show an old delivery bed set against the clinical white tiles of a hospital maternity room.  But the image is... More…